
- Election date: April 6, 1975

- Rate of turnout: 98.26%

- Total of elected candidates: 424

- Structure of National Assembly:

+ Workers: 22%

+ Farmers: 21%

+ Intellectuals: 22%

+ Political officials: 23%

+ Ethnic minority people: 16.7%

+ Women: 32%

Characteristics and Marks of the term

The 5th National Assembly was elected amid a joyful and excited atmosphere as the country was free from invaders and the people were in complete control of their own destiny. The legislature began the 5th tenure in the context of the Vietnamese people entering into a new era of national reunification and progressing to socialism. The 5th National Assembly was the first of the period of building a “more dignified and beautiful” country, as desired by President Ho Chi Minh.
The 5th National Assembly fully demonstrated its nature as the highest State power body of the all-people great solidarity, with its core being the worker-farmer coalition. The National Assembly made decisions on economic and cultural development plans, and encouraged the people to contribute to the nation building and consolidate the defence force.
The National Assembly agreed to approve the outcomes of the political consultative conference for the unification of the Fatherland, reflecting the strong will, ardent aspirations, and high consensus of the whole nation on the national reunification on the basis of national independence and socialism.
The National Assembly decided the State plan for 1976, the first year of the second five-year plan, beginning the period of building a peaceful, independent, unified and socialist Vietnam.
* Succeeding the cause of the first National Assembly, the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam from the 2nd to the 5th tenure experienced 16 years of operation (July 1960 - June 1976) full of fierce challenges in the context that the people had to simultaneously carry out two revolutionary strategies: the socialist revolution in the north and the people's democratic national revolution in the south.
In the 30 years of work from the first to the fifth tenure, the National Assembly passed two constitutions, 22 laws, and 18 ordinances.

Outstanding plenary sessions

* First session in Hanoi from June 3-6

- The National Assembly elected:

+ State President: Ton Duc Thang

+ Vice State President: Nguyen Luong Bang

+ The National Assembly Standing Committee comprising of 19 full and three alternate members

+ National Assembly Chairman: Truong Chinh

+ Prime Minister: Pham Van Dong

+ Committees: Law Committee, Planning-Budget Committee, Committee on Ethnic Affairs, Committee on Socio-cultural Affairs, Reunification Committee, Committee on External Relations.

* On December 27, 1975, at the second plenum (December 22-27, 1975), the National Assembly agreed to approve the outcomes of the political consultative conference for the reunification of the Fatherland.

The fifth National Assembly was the shortest, from April 1975 to April 1976, as its tenure was shortened to conduct the general NA election of the united nation.