A plenary session of 14th National Assembly's 11th session (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – The 14th National Assembly continued its 11th session with the fourth working day in Hanoi on March 29, focusing on the reports on performance in the 2016-2021 term of the State
President and the Government.
The session, chaired by NA Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu, was
broadcast live by Radio The Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television and the NA’s
television channel.
During the discussion process, 41 deputies raised opinions and
most of them highly agreed with the reports’ contents.
Regarding the Government’s performance report, deputies
appreciated the achievements gained during the 2016-2021 tenure of the Government and the
Prime Minister, affirming that under the leadership of the Party and the
supervision of the National Assembly, the innovation, dynamism and creativeness
in direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister have
contributed greatly to the country’s socio-economic development attainments.
Lawmakers also agreed with contents of the State President’s
report, affirming that the State President has fulfilled his missions and
effectively exercised his power as regulated by the Constitution and fulfill all
tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee’s Politburo and Secretariat, thus
contributing to, together with the whole Party, people and army, successfully implementing
the 12th National Party Congress’s Resolution, the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws, and the 14th National Assembly’s
They lauded efforts, responsibility and achievements made by
the President, the Government and the Prime Minister in the tenure.
Late on the afternoon, NA deputies were given the insignia
for the NA’s operations.
On March 30, the legislature will discuss reports on
performance in the 2016-2021 tenure of the Supreme People’s Court and the
Supreme People’s Procuracy.
Then the NA Standing Committee will submit to the National
Assembly the dismissal of the NA Chairperson and the Chairperson of the
National Election Council, which will be then discussed by lawmakers in groups.
On the afternoon, deputies are expected to vote for the
approval of the Law on Drug Prevention and Control (revised), and cast ballots
on the dismissal of the NA Chairperson and the Chairperson of the National
Election Council. The NA Standing Committee will then submit a list of nominees
for the legislature to elect the NA Chairperson and the Chairperson of the National
Election Council./.